New Bus is Solid Gold
The newly painted Goldfields Earbus with art from Laverton School Student Fabian Stack
Minara Community Foundation and AngloGold Ashanti have generously donated funds for the purchase and fit-out of a dedicated Goldfields Earbus to provide ear health services to the region.
The bus – a high-roof, long wheel base 316 Mercedes Sprinter – was launched at Laverton School this week and immediately went to work. The rear cabin has been customised as a mobile children’s ear clinic for use by our nurse, screeners, audiologists and GPs.
The Goldfields Earbus has started visiting Laverton, Leonora, Menzies, Coolgardie, Kambalda and Kalgoorlie-Boulder to provide ear health screening and treatment. Audiologists on the bus deliver a full suite of hearing tests to diagnose children with a temporary or permanent hearing loss.
Aboriginal students at Leonora and Laverton District High Schools created stunning artwork to adorn the new bus using local Aboriginal totems and images, so the bus visited them on the launch day. Our sincere thanks to Minara Community Foundation and AngloGold Ashanti for supporting our work in the Goldfields region.
Fabian did a brilliant job creating this artwork for our Goldfields Earbus. It is brilliant! Big thanks Fabian, we love it!