New Real Time Reporting for Schools

Earbus Foundation has developed and launched a new real time reporting format for schools, daycares, kindergartens and playgroups where we deliver ear health screening and treatment services. As of mid-June all locations now receive a written and/or electronic summary of every child who has been seen that day by the Earbus Clinical Team with detailed outcomes. Schools can now see which children passed or referred, who will be reviewed on next visit and all children who have been prescribed medications. All children listed for surgery or having recently had surgery are documented. If the Clinical Team has carried out any treatments such as Betadine washes or wax removal then the school can see these children at a glance.  

The new on-the-day report lists all the Earbus Clinicians who have seen each child – GP, Nurse, Audiologist and ENT. It also provides teachers with suggestions about how to seat children so they can best hear what is going on in the classroom.